Blog Posts

Use White Oak For Beautiful Projects All Around The House

Use White Oak For Beautiful Projects All Around The House

I know I'm not the only one who loves white oak. Its the perfect wood tone, that warms up the space without needing any staining or adjusting to the coloring. Neutral and beautiful. In the past, I have purchased different types of woods, and stained them to try to get...

Make Your Own Gorgeous Kitchen Island – Seating For Five

Make Your Own Gorgeous Kitchen Island – Seating For Five

A few years back, I created a diy kitchen island for our home. You can find that island design HERE. It saved us a ton of money! And we were able to design it to fit our needs. When we purchased our new home back in July, I knew I would be updating the kitchen right...

Get top dollar from buyers when selling your home with these tips

Get top dollar from buyers when selling your home with these tips

We sold our home! This is the home we started our family in, we have been here for almost 9 years. It is wild to think that this season is coming to an end. It's exciting to be starting a new chapter, but of course still bittersweet. This home was so special to me for...

Personalize Your Gift Wrap For a Special Touch

Personalize Your Gift Wrap For a Special Touch

I had so much fun wrapping presents this year! I decided to take it up a notch and add some fun touches to the gifts for the fam with some personalized wrapping paper. If you haven't been to JOANN's Craft and Fabric Stores yet, you are missing out! They have TONS of...

Gift Ideas For Kids

Gift Ideas For Kids

Our kids literally have everything. Am-I-Right? I wanted to round up some kids Christmas gifts that I think are a little unique, fun and won't break the bank. Let's keep those kids entertained for longer that 2 minutes, shall we? Kids Christmas Gifts 1. Toy Storage...

Find Your Holiday Season Decor At JOANN’s

Find Your Holiday Season Decor At JOANN’s

The holiday season always flys by so fast! It can be a ton of extra work, time and money to change your decor based on each holiday. I decided this year, to create some of my decor based around the season as a whole. Finding items that can transition seamlessly...

A Simple Home Office Desk For Two

A Simple Home Office Desk For Two

I never imagined I would be a homeschool Mom, but here I am! 2020 has thrown as all for a loop. Am I right? So many things happening that we never saw comin. Yikes! When I made the decision that I was going to homeschool my 2nd grader this year, while the dust...


Welcome to Domestic Designs Co. I am so happy you stopped by my blog! Here you will find lots of  posts with Home Improvement tutorials, to help you complete your projects. Use the search bar above to find all of my previous posts for inspiration. Enjoy!

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