While updating my bathroom, I contemplated taking down our mirror and putting up two round ones in it’s place… I do love the look of a round mirror, but I really liked the large size of the one we already had. Plus, patching the wall after I ripped that bad boy down, sounded horrible. Creating a frame for it seemed like my best option to make it work. There was no way I was keeping it up the way it was. With the little hideous plastic holder-clips they put all around it. What’s that all about anyway?

There are lots of different directions you can go when making a DIY mirror frame. I chose to stain it with wood stain that I already had in the garage, but you can paint it a color to match your bathroom. Or choose a fun accent color to give a little pop to the room.  Also, adding little touches like the braces I used in the corners, make it feel a little more finished. Adding large nailhead trim, or…..decorative wood trim! That could be fun! Well now I need another mirror to update.

These are the items I used to make my DIY mirror frame:

This DIY mirror frame is one of those little projects that doesn’t take long, which = same-day instant gratification, baby! My favorite thing. Ha. Here are the steps for completing a wood frame like mine.

Measure length and width of your mirror and cut 4 pieces of 1 x3 boards to size. I’d recommend cutting slightly larger than mirror size, so you don’t see any of the mirror sticking out from the frame. That would not be pretty.

Butt your end pieces together and apply liquid nails to each corner. This stuff is suuuper strong and will hold that baby tight.

Use your staple gun (all you need is a little handheld one. It works like a charm! Here is the one I have and recommend for projects like this). Staple each corner together.

Now flip that lady over- Get out your conditioner and wood stain and get to work! Apply your wood conditioner first. This ensures that your stain will go on even and not blotchy. Let that dry for 10 minutes. Then apply your stain. I like to start off lighter than I think I want, because I can always add more stain. Once you go too dark… you’re dunzo. I went pretty darn light on the stain for this because I wanted to keep an airy feel in my bathroom. Nothing too heavy.

How to make your own DIY mirror frame, a tutorial featured by top US DIY blog Domestic Blonde 

These are the corner braces I chose to use. I spray painted them flat black as well as the screw heads. I really loved this extra touch on the frame.

Going back to those little plastic clips that are around the mirror holding it on. I have no picture, but just go take a look, you’ll see what I mean. I unscrewed one at a time and replaced each one with a thin, flat head screw. To give the mirror support with no bulk. Ya hear?

Once the stain and liquid nails was dry my hubby and I hauled it up to our bathroom, applied a good amount of the liquid nails all over the back side and stuck it right up against the mirror. Secure frame with tape until the glue dries so it will stay in place. And, done. What a glorious upgrade!    You can find this light fixture HERE

How to make your own DIY mirror frame, a tutorial featured by top US DIY blog Domestic Blonde: before

Short post. Fairly straight forward project. But we like things like that, right? Have fun creating your own DIY mirror frame. I’d love to see it!

PS: Loving this DIY mirror frame tutorial? Click here now to see how I created this stencil tile floor!

