Man oh man, am I behind on this post or what?? I know you have been on the edge of your seat like, ‘When is Kelly going to let us know how to so frugally refinish bathroom countertops!?’ haha.. Well, I went searching through my 1000’s of iPhone photos to find the documented process, and I took not ONE photo as I was refinishing my bathroom countertops. Not one. I can pretty much guarantee that was because I was so focused on not screwing it up, that taking pictures went out the window! With that said, I still feel like I NEED to give you a mini version of this, because it’s just too good. So, I will still give you a basic run down on the how-to’s of this project.

How to Refinish Bathroom Countertops:

First of all.. here is a little before picture of our 1990’s beauty in our master bath.

Don’t you feel a little sad looking at it? Who knew it could be possible to change something so awful in one day!

Here are the things you will need to refinish bathroom countertops:

To start off, remove your faucet as well as drain so all surfaces are able to be refinished. (Now, I’m sure that if you reeeaally don’t want to remove your faucet, you could possibly work around it and just paint right up to the edge. I understand that plumbing is the absolute WORST. So, that is totally up to you)

Clean your entire countertop with comet. Rinse well and let dry. Scrub surface with an abrasive scrubber and lime away, just to make sure the surface is super clean and gunk free. Rinse and let dry completely.

Use the sandpaper and just scrub all over, by hand, until it feels a little rough all over. This is a high grit, so it will just open up the surface and allow it to grab onto the new product. That is an important step! Finally, remove all dust very well with your tack cloth. I love tack cloth! That stuff works! No dust is getting by that thing.

Follow instructions on the can for mixing parts A and B… Now, for the scary, I mean fun, part. Take your roller and apply your first coat. **** Use a VERY light amount of paint for all your coats.****If you don’t, it will bubble up and make drip marks and that is NOT good. So take your time and do it thin. It’s going to look like a streaky mess. Don’t pass out. It will be ok. If I had a pic I would show you how horrible mine looked at this point.  Leave about 1-2 hours of dry time with lots of ventilation before your next coat. I ended up doing 3 coats on my countertop.

I feel the roller is the best tool to use all over. It gives the smoothest look. I used the angled brush for hard to reach spots as well as edges. Let that baby dry for a few days at least before using your sinks again.

It will look awesome! Go for it! Don’t be scared…. =)

25 bucks and my bathroom went from boo-hoo, to hallelujah! And the new Dark bronze faucets I added were just soooo gorgeous on the fresh bright white top.

Sorry for the lack of visual step-by-step to refinish bathroom countertops, but please let me know if you have any questions! Happy Refinishing!



How to Refinish Bathroom Countertops: a Step by Step Tutorial featured by top US DIY blog, Domestic Blonde