It can sometimes feel like life never stops. Especially with kids in the house, there is always something going on. It’s so important to take time for yourself, to unwind and breathe. To reconnect with your partner, and slow down. Rodney Strong wines is the perfect way to do that.

Last weekend we decided to drop the kids off at the Grandparent’s house and have a date night at home. What are my date night staples? Wine and charcuterie boards! The evening weather has still been really nice, so I grabbed some Rodney Strong Sauvignon Blanc, and yummy snacks so we could relax out on the patio.

Rodney Strong Wine

Rodney Strong Wines by popular San Diego lifestyle blog, Domestic Blonde: image of Rodney Strong white wine resting on a charcuterie board.

Some of the reasons I love Rodney Strong as a company, is because their solar energy system is one of the largest of any winery in the world, and they were the first carbon neutral winery in Sonoma County. They continuously strive to test and implement the latest sustainable practices to protect our Earth. How can you not appreciate those efforts?

I picked out this particular wine, because the taste is so fresh and crisp. Slightly tropical with melon characteristics. It pairs really well with different cheeses, so it is perfect for charcuterie style appetizers. Sauvignon Blanc is usually my go-to for a white wine, they are just so refreshing.

Rodney Strong Wines by popular San Diego lifestyle blog, Domestic Blonde: image of a woman pouring two glasses of Rodney Strong white wine  while standing next to a charcuterie board.
Rodney Strong Wines by popular San Diego lifestyle blog, Domestic Blonde: image of a woman and her husband sitting on their back patio and drinking a glass of white Rodney Strong wine.
Rodney Strong Wines by popular San Diego lifestyle blog, Domestic Blonde: image of a woman and her husband sitting on their back patio and drinking a glass of white Rodney Strong wine.

It can be hard to find the time with our busy schedules to get together with friends and even with each other sometimes. But sitting outside, watching the sunset and sipping on Rodney Strong wine, is just what we both needed to slow down enjoy a date night at home.

I must also add- husband is a craft beer drinker, but he was a total fan of this wine. Which is good and bad… I had to share it all!

Rodney Strong Wines by popular San Diego lifestyle blog, Domestic Blonde: image of a woman pouring a glass of white Rodney Strong wine.
Rodney Strong Wines by popular San Diego lifestyle blog, Domestic Blonde: image of a woman holding a glass of Rodney Strong wine and eating from a charcuterie board.

I absolutely recommend picking up a bottle today from a retail location near you, and go enjoy that gorgeous sunset.



Have you tried Rodney Strong Wines? What’s your favorite drink for a date night? Let me know in a comment below!